Our AI & Data Science Success Stories

Delve into our case studies showcasing how we've harnessed the transformative power of AI and Data Science in solving real-world challenges.

Upwork Ukraine Award

Upwork Ukraine Award: Best Agency 2019 in Kharkiv, UA

Requestum recognizion by the Manifest

The Manifest is recognizing Requestum as one of our Global Dev & IT industry frontrunners for 2022!

Introduction to AI and Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science focused on creating machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI systems are designed to process data, learn from experiences, and adapt to new inputs, enabling them to perform complex tasks autonomously or assist humans in various activities.

Data Science

Data Science

Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, algorithms, and systems to extract insights and knowledge from data, both structured and unstructured. It involves various techniques like statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization to understand and solve complex problems, making informed decisions based on data.

Our Computer Vision Projects

  • DarkNet


  • mediapipe


  • Google
                        vision Api

    google vision api

  • nvidia cuda

    nvidia cuda

  • FFmpeg


  • Pytorch


  • tensorflow


  • opencv


  • amazon

    amazon rekognition

  • Automatic human body measurement

    Automatic human body measurement

  • Detection of cars on overhead images

  • Online exercises quality evaluation

    Online exercises quality evaluation

  • Football player performance evaluation

    Football player performance evaluation

  • Car presence detection and discrimination

    Car presence detection and discrimination

  • Realtime playing card recognition

    Realtime playing card recognition

  • Fabric Defects Detection

    Fabric Defects Detection

  • Palm recognition

    Palm recognition

  • Automatic human body measurement

    Project challenge

    The objective of this project was to develop a method for accurately measuring the dimensions of the human body. This precision is crucial for creating realistic and personalized 3D avatars, applicable in diverse fields.

    Automatic human body measurement: Project challenge
    Automatic human body measurement: Our approach

    Our approach

    • Integration of Advanced Pose Estimation

      We utilized OpenPose, a cutting-edge pose estimation technology, to accurately capture and map the human body's posture and movements.

    • Segmentation of Body Parts

      Employing BodyPix, we segmented the body into distinct parts. This segmentation was vital for isolating and precisely analyzing each section of the body.

    • Application of Curve Fitting Techniques

      To model the body's dimensions accurately, we implemented sophisticated curve fitting methods. This step was critical in ensuring the measurements closely mirrored the individual's actual body shape.

    Detection of cars on overhead images

    Project challenge

    The primary aim of this project was to calculate the density of cars in a chosen region. This analysis was crucial for understanding traffic patterns, aiding urban planning, and developing smart city initiatives.

    Detection of cars on overhead images: Project challenge

    Our approach

    • Implementation of Object Detection

      We utilized YOLO (You Only Look Once), an advanced object detection system, to accurately identify and count cars within various urban images.

    • Processing Map Tiles

      Using the Google API, we processed map tiles to obtain detailed geographical data of the chosen region. This step was essential for accurately pinpointing the locations where car density needed to be calculated.

    • Map Visualization

      To effectively present our findings, we integrated Leaflet.js for map visualization. This allowed us to display the car density data on interactive maps, making the information easily accessible and understandable.

    Online exercises quality evaluation

    Project challenge

    The main aim of this project was to develop a web application for home workouts that evaluates exercises in real-time. The application should allow users to select an example exercise and then attempt to replicate it, providing immediate feedback on their performance.

    Online exercises quality evaluation: Project approach

    Our approach

    • Integration of Pose Estimation

      We implemented pose estimation using MediaPipe POSE to accurately track and analyze the user's movements during exercises.

    • Applying Time Series Comparison

      To assess the accuracy of the user's exercise performance, we utilized the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm.

    • Enabling Real-Time Video Stream Processing

      The application was developed to process video streams in real time, ensuring that users receive immediate and relevant feedback as they perform the exercises.

    Football player performance evaluation

    Project challenge

    The primary goal of this project was to develop a sophisticated system capable of quantifying athletic performance with high accuracy. This involved tracking and analyzing the movements of football players during games to provide valuable insights into their performance.

    Football player performance evaluation: Project challenge
    Football player performance evaluation: Our approach

    Our approach

    • CNN-Based Field Marking Recognition

      We utilized Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to identify key points and lines on the football field. This technology allowed us to establish a reference framework for accurately tracking the players' movements.

    • Custom Camera Calibration

      We utilized Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to identify key points and lines on the football field. This technology allowed us to establish a reference framework for accurately tracking the players' movements.

    • Object Detection and Tracking

      Our system employed advanced object detection and tracking algorithms. These were instrumental in monitoring the athletes' positions and movements throughout the game, providing real-time performance data.

    • Pose Estimation

      We implemented a lightweight pose estimation model. This model was designed to recognize the projection point of an athlete's pelvis onto the field, a key metric in assessing movement efficiency and agility.


    • Accurate Performance Metrics

      The system reliably calculated essential metrics like speed and acceleration, offering coaches and players valuable insights for training and strategy development.

    • Efficient Resource Usage

      Despite its complexity, the pose estimation model was optimized to require less than 200 MB of GPU memory and function effectively at low resolutions, ensuring its applicability in various environments without the need for high-end hardware.

    • Enhanced Training and Strategy

      The insights provided by our system have been instrumental in enhancing training regimes and in-game strategies, directly contributing to improved athletic performance.

    Car presence detection and discrimination

    Project challenge

    Our primary challenge was to develop a validation module capable of reducing false positive violations generated by in-field sensors in parking violation detection systems.

    Car presence detection and discrimination: Project challenge

    Our approach

    Car presence detection and discrimination: Project challenge
    1 Designing the Validation Module

    We created a specialized module focused on accurately identifying and validating parking violations, distinguishing between true and false positives.

    2 Technology Integration
    • Multilabel Image Classification: This technique was used to analyze visible car surfaces, a key factor in identifying parking violations accurately.

    • Siamese CNN for Car Matching: We employed Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks to match cars effectively, ensuring precise vehicle identification throughout the monitoring process.

    • Motion Detection: Incorporating motion detection technology allowed us to track vehicle movements, an essential component in determining parking violations


    • Enhanced Accuracy

      The implementation of our solution led to a significant reduction in false positive violations, thereby increasing the system's accuracy.

    • Improved Reliability

      The enhanced system reliability fostered greater trust and efficiency in parking violation enforcement.

    • Operational Efficiency

      Our solution streamlined the process of parking violation detection, making it more efficient and effective for users and enforcement agencies.

    Car presence detection and discrimination: Results

    Realtime playing card recognition

    Project challenge

    The primary objective of this project was to develop a playing card recognition module. This module is a key component of a system designed for real-time analysis of casino games. Its purpose is to accurately identify and classify playing cards during live games, enhancing the monitoring and analysis capabilities within a casino environment.

    Realtime playing card recognition: Project challenge

    Our approach

    • Creation of a Synthetic Dataset

      We developed a synthetic dataset specifically tailored for training deep learning models. This dataset was instrumental in training our object detection system to recognize a wide variety of playing card designs.

    • Implementation of YOLOv4 Object Detector

      We utilized the YOLOv4 object detection framework, known for its efficiency and accuracy in real-time object recognition tasks.

    • Real-Time Video Stream Processing

      We integrated our system with real-time video stream processing capabilities. This allowed the module to analyze and identify playing cards in live scenarios, a critical requirement for real-time game analysis in casinos.

    Realtime playing card recognition: Our approach Realtime playing card recognition: Our approach


    • High Recognition Accuracy

      It can recognize cards with almost any design, demonstrating a high level of accuracy and adaptability.

    • Versatile Detection Capabilities

      The module is capable of detecting playing cards from any angle and in various environments, showcasing its effectiveness in diverse and dynamic casino settings.

    • Performance Under Low Image Quality

      Even with low image quality, the system can successfully detect and classify playing cards, ensuring reliability and consistency in challenging visual conditions.

    Fabric Defects Detection

    Project challenge

    The goal of this project was to create a reliable, automated tool capable of identifying various defects in fabrics used in polymer composite material production. This tool aimed to enhance quality control, reduce waste, and improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process.

    Our approach

    • Dataset Preparation

      We generated a synthetic dataset using advanced image processing techniques. This dataset was tailored to represent a wide range of fabric defects, providing a robust foundation for training our Machine learning model.

    • Model Development and Training

      We employed the U-net architecture, a powerful image semantic segmentation tool, within the TensorFlow framework. This approach allowed for precise segmentation and identification of defects in the fabric materials

    Custom camera calibration algorithm: Project challenge

    Palm recognition

    Palm recognition: Project challenge

    Project challenge

    The project aimed to develop a module capable of validating user-submitted hand photos for an online palmistry service. The module's key objectives were to ensure that the hand is present in the image, the entire hand is visible, it is correctly oriented, and the lines on the hand are clearly discernible.

    Our approach

    • Photo Validation Criteria Establishment

      We defined specific criteria for photo validation: presence of the hand, visibility of the entire hand, correct orientation, and clarity of hand lines.

    • Technology Utilization

      We employed TensorFlow to develop a heatmap-based points and lines recognition system. This technology was chosen for its precision in identifying and analyzing specific features in images, which is crucial for validating the key aspects of hand photos.

    Our Data Science Projects

    • Jupyter


    • scikit learn

      scikit learn

    • scipy


    • pandas


    • postgis


    • Pytorch


    • tensorflow


    • xgboost


  • Demand prediction based on historical data

    Demand prediction based on historical data

  • Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures

    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures

  • Realtime muscle fatigue estimation

    Realtime muscle fatigue estimation

  • Evaluation of human body hydration

    Evaluation of human body hydration

  • Demand prediction based on historical data

    Demand prediction based on historical data

    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures

    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures

    Realtime muscle fatigue estimation

    Realtime muscle fatigue estimation

    Evaluation of human body hydration

    Evaluation of human body hydration

    Demand prediction based on historical data

    Project challenge

    The goal of this project was to create a predictive model that could accurately forecast the demand for transportation services. The model aimed to consider various factors such as seasonality, national holidays, and weather conditions, enabling transport companies to plan the rational placement of vehicles and improve service efficiency.

    Our approach

    In tackling the challenge of accurately predicting transportation service demand, our approach was multi-faceted and data-driven. We focused on three key areas:

    1 Data Collection and Analysis

    Historical data on transportation service demand was meticulously analyzed, focusing on patterns influenced by seasonality, national holidays, and weather conditions.

    2 Model Development
    • An autoregression model was developed to capture the time-dependent nature of transportation demand.

    • Random Forest regression, known for its effectiveness in handling complex, non-linear data patterns, was employed to enhance the model's accuracy.

    3 Integration of Weather Data

    A third-party API was utilized to integrate real-time weather data into the model, acknowledging the significant impact of weather conditions on transportation demand.

    Demand prediction based on historical data: Project challenge

    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures

    Project challenge

    The goal of this project was to create a machine learning-based system that could process sensor data from carbon-fiber airplane panels to detect low-velocity impact damage. The system was designed not only to recognize patterns indicating damage but also to estimate the damage's location and size. This innovation aimed to reduce maintenance costs and increase the safety of aircraft operations.

    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures: Project challenge
    Structural health monitoring of carbon fiber aircraft structures: Project challenge

    Our approach

    To achieve our goal of developing a reliable damage detection system for aircraft, we focused on the following critical stages.

    • System Development

      A machine learning system was developed using TensorFlow. This system was designed to analyze sensor data and identify patterns corresponding to structural damage.

    • Damage Estimation

      The system was equipped with capabilities to accurately estimate the location and size of detected damage, providing essential information for effective maintenance.

    • Synthetic Dataset Creation

      A synthetic dataset, essential for training the machine learning model, was generated using Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation. This dataset ensured comprehensive coverage of potential damage scenarios.

    • Full-Scale Testing

      The system underwent full-scale testing to validate its effectiveness in a real-world setting.

    Realtime muscle fatigue estimation

    Project challenge

    The project aimed to create a system that could instantly analyze EMG data to determine the degree of muscle fatigue during exercises. This tool was intended to aid research in sports medicine, using the Bitalino MuscleBIT EMG device for data collection.

    Our approach

    In developing a real-time muscle fatigue estimation tool, our approach encompassed the following steps:

     Realtime muscle fatigue estimation: Our approache
    1 Data Collection and Preprocessing:
    • EMG data was recorded using the Bitalino MuscleBIT device and Open Signal application, capturing raw signals at 1000 hertz during maximum repetition exercises.
    • Preprocessing included mean normalization and bandpass filtering, though the model proved insensitive to noise, rendering frequency filtering unnecessary.
    2 Muscle Fatigue Detection Methodology:
    • A convolutional neural network (CNN) was employed to process EMG data slices, focusing on slices with significant EMG amplitude.
    • Ground truth for muscle fatigue was established based on the assumption that initial exercise repetitions indicated zero fatigue and final ones indicated maximum fatigue.
    3 Model Development and Alternative Approach
    • The CNN model consisted of layers designed for effective pattern recognition in EMG data.
    • An alternative approach using EMG spectral analysis was also explored, assessing muscle fatigue through shifts in signal spectrum frequency.


    As a result, the binary accuracy of EMG slice classification for the validation data is 91 %, and for test data is 89 %. As the test results showed, the CNN-based approach gives smoother dependences on the degree of muscle fatigue over time and is better consistent with the subjects' feelings of muscle fatigue.

    Evaluation of human body hydration

    Project challenge

    The goal was to create a model using data from a biomedical wearable device to accurately predict the hydration level of individuals. This tool aimed to assist patients with kidney failure or ESRD in monitoring their condition and planning their dialysis sessions more effectively.

    Evaluation of human body hydration: Project challenge

    Our approach

    In developing a model for assessing human body hydration levels, our approach was comprehensive, encompassing various stages. Here's a breakdown of each key stage:

    • Data Collection

      Data was collected from patients wearing the device during dialysis sessions and overnight, including device signals and ultrafiltration volume from the dialysis machine.

    • Data Preprocessing

      The preprocessing steps included data synchronization, temperature-based data selection, low-pass filtering, outlier detection using an Isolation Forest model, and signal smoothing.

    • Feature Engineering

      Based on skin reflection data at different wavelengths, 92 initial features were selected for analysis, informed by literature reviews and laboratory experiments.

    • Model Development

      Two regression models, Theil-Sen and multi-layer perceptron (MLP), were considered. Models were trained individually for each patient, as well as in general and gender-specific formats.


    We meticulously analyzed the outcomes to ensure the model met the high standards required for medical applications, especially for patients with critical needs. Here's a detailed overview of the key results:

    • Model Performance

      The MLP model outperformed the Theil-Sen regression, exhibiting a lower root mean squared error. Individual patient models yielded more accurate results compared to generalized models.

    • Accuracy Metrics

      The average R2-score across patients was 0.8, with accuracy metrics ranging from 0.1 to 0.15, indicating high precision as evaluated by the clinical team.

    • Real-World Applicability

      The model's predictions on overnight data, though not directly testable for accuracy, were deemed reasonable and consistent with clinical expectations.

    Evaluation of human body
                            hydration: Results

    Our Mathematical Optimization Projects

    • scipy


    • c++


    • sympy


    • google

      google or-tool

    • coin-or


  • Logistics system for technical service

    Logistics system for technical service

  • Custom camera calibration algorithm

    Custom camera calibration algorithm

  • Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine

  • Logistics system for technical service

    Logistics system for technical service

    Custom camera calibration algorithm

    Custom camera calibration algorithm

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine

    Logistics system for technical service

    Project challenge

    The project aimed to develop a sophisticated route optimization system for multiple vehicles. This system will consider specific time windows, adhere to constraints on the length of the working day, and determine the most efficient dates for scheduling work orders.

    Logistics system for technical service: Project challenge

    Our approach

    In this project, we adopted a multifaceted approach, combining advanced algorithmic strategies with high-performance computing and data analytics to tackle the complex challenge of multi-vehicle route optimization. Here's a closer look at the key components of our approach and implementation:

    Algorithm Development

    A route optimization solution was created using a combination of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm and the Greedy Algorithm, implemented in C++ for computational efficiency.

    Computational Strategy

    The project leveraged multiprocessor computations to handle the intensive computational demands of route optimization.

    Time Matrix Calculation

    The Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) was employed for the initial calculation of the time matrix, essential for route planning.

    Traffic Data Integration

    A regression model trained on historical traffic data was used to adjust the time matrix, accounting for traffic variations and enhancing route accuracy.

    Custom camera calibration algorithm

    Project challenge

    The primary goal of this project was to create an advanced algorithm as part of a football analytics system to accurately determine the positions of athletes on the field. This tool was designed to consider key field markings, such as yard lines, to enhance the precision of player positioning data.

    Custom camera calibration algorithm: Project challenge

    Our approach

    Our approach combined advanced computational techniques with a deep understanding of American football dynamics. Here's a closer look at the key components of our approach and implementation.

    • Algorithm Development

      We developed an algorithm that leverages field keypoints and yard lines to determine player positions with high accuracy.

    • Field Marking Recognition

      We implemented a system to recognize and interpret field markings, including points and lines, crucial for accurate player positioning.

    Technologies used

    • Perspective projection with Pinhole camera model, using OpenCV

    • Solution of the nonlinear optimization problem to determine parameters of a camera based on the result of field marking recognition (points and lines) using SciPy library

    • Custom Object tracking algorithm for yard lines

    Custom camera calibration algorithm: Technologies used

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine

    Project challenge

    The goal of this project was to create an automated system that could instantly provide customers with estimates for machining mechanical parts on CNC machines. This system aimed to determine the type of equipment required, the size of the blank, the list of operations for machining the part, the number of tool changes, and the machining time for each operation.

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine: Project challenge
    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine: Our approach 1

    Our approach

    We focused on developing a comprehensive solution that integrates advanced technological capabilities with user-friendly access. Here's a detailed look at each aspect of our approach and implementation:

    Our approach

    We focused on developing a comprehensive solution that integrates advanced technological capabilities with user-friendly access. Here's a detailed look at each aspect of our approach and implementation:

    • System Development

      Developed an automated estimation system integrated into a web platform, allowing customers to upload part designs and receive immediate cost and time estimates.

    • Feature Analysis

      Implemented shape recognition and classification algorithms to analyze the 3D designs of mechanical parts and identify key machining features.

    • Operational Calculations

      Created a methodology to calculate the necessary operations, including the number of tool changes and the time required for each operation, based on the part's design.

    Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine: Our approach Estimation of the machining time on a CNC machine: Our approach 2

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