26, Sep 2024

The Role of AI Motion Analysis in the Sport Industry: Benefits, Challenges, and Prospects

The integration of AI in sports has changed how athletes train, perform, and recover. One of the most significant advancements is AI-driven motion analysis, which offers insights into body movement, performance metrics, and injury prevention.

AI Motion Analysis

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Dmitry Boyko, Android Team Lead

Serhii Stavichenko,

Serhii Stavichenko, CTO

Serhii knows everything about project architecture, data science, and machine learning. His superpower is translating clients' business needs into top-notch technical solutions.

Motion analysis in sports aims to improve player performance. Analytics help athletes achieve a competitive advantage, prevent injuries, and more. Artificial intelligence is the technology that makes sports analytics more effective. AI generates data about the players' movements with the help of different advanced technologies. These include computer vision, machine learning, and wearable soft electronics.

AI motion analysis software turns huge data sets into meaningful info. This data will help coaches, players, and other stakeholders understand how to enhance performance. Unlike traditional data collection methods, AI helps to speed up and automate information acquisition.

This brief will consider all the benefits of AI analysis systems. You will discover how AI will impact the future development of the sports field.

AI in Motion Analytics: Overview

AI technology allows machines to learn from previous experiences to simulate human intelligence. Software with AI technology helps collect data super fast. It also assists in classifying this information accurately.

AI in Motion Analytics

Artificial intelligence also has influenced motion tracking and analysis. These processes have become more enhanced. AI helps analyze movements easily and without challenging setups. People can apply artificial intelligence in many areas, including sports. The motion analysis is done with the help of wearable devices, smartphones, and computers. Insights obtained assist in making informed decisions about how to show the best game results.

The Popular AI Technologies for Data Gathering

Computer vision (CV)

The CV technology means collecting video data on players' movements. It is done with the help of camera systems and algorithms to analyze movement patterns. CV is helpful when examining athletic techniques to lower the risk of injury. CV systems can define any deviations, such as imbalances. The received information helps coaches craft corrective exercises.

Machine learning (ML)

The software uses video data and machine learning algorithms to analyze the received motion information. They are a vital part of the AI motion analysis system. ML algorithms help with object tracking, recognition, and motion modeling. These algorithms compare the data with patterns of normal body movement. Then, they provide info on how the movement differs from the standard templates. The result is real-time insights that provide valuable info on what to improve.

Wearable sensors

Unlike human motion analysis, the combination of ML and IoT devices helps get real-time insights about movements. Wearable sensors track the players' motion when they perform actions. Then, ML algorithms transform this information into valuable data.

Our team specializes in building advanced AI and data science software projects. The Football Player Performance Evaluation project is one of the best motion analysis tools we have made.

It is a software system that can analyze the movements of soccer players during competitions. This software tool calculates such metrics as speed and acceleration and estimates the pose. The data received helps players to improve their training. Based on it coaches can build strategies to enhance performance.

Another project we successfully delivered is an Online Exercises Quality Evaluation project. It is an efficient web app for home workouts. This tool provides real-time feedback on exercise performance. We added MediaPipe POSE for movement tracking. Dynamic Time Warping helps to compare user performance with exercise templates. The client got a high-performing, modern AI motion analysis app that generates profit.

Popular AI Technologies

Benefits of AI-Powered Motion Analysis

Performance optimization

AI tracks the athletes' posture and movements during the game and identifies the degree of deviation from the "ideal" motion pattern. ML algorithms provide an idea of what needs to be improved and how to adapt the training process so that the player can show better results in the future.

Injury prevention

The National Safety Council report stated that in 2021-2022, sports traumas rose by 32%. The most dangerous sports include football, hockey, basketball, and soccer. The motion AI assistant can prevent injuries. It identifies risk factors for players. The artificial intelligence technology can also be used for rehabilitation. AI mechanisms can track the progress of recovery and help create health programs.

Feedback in real time

The AI technology helps access physiological data very fast. It allows tracking the athlete's physical condition during their activity. Based on this data, people can quickly adjust their competition or training strategies. AI is also crucial to understanding the early signs of fatigue by analyzing the motion to change the player. During the training, real-time motion analyzing software helps to develop tailored programs, considering the unique body characteristics of a player.

Benefits of AI Motion Analysis

Challenges of Implementing AI Motion Analytics

Privacy and security of data

Artificial intelligence systems process enormous amounts of data. We recommend ensuring data integrity and safety to prevent the exposure of any sensitive data. It is crucial to add reliable encryption methods and follow data protection regulations. Use privacy-preserving approaches such as federated learning. Don't forget to include ethical data handling protocols. You should always care about responsible data management.

Price of AI motion analysis software

Creating and implementing AI software can be an expensive project. Small and medium-sized firms find it a challenge. Hiring AI experts can increase the overall price, making it difficult for enterprises to justify investments. To solve this problem, investors need to evaluate the ROI of AI startups before investing in them.

Limited knowledge of AI

One more popular consideration is limited knowledge about AI and its capabilities among the general population. Implementing effective measures to educate people and make them more aware of artificial intelligence processes is vital.

Integration with existing systems

AI integration now could be challenging. It means fine-tuning AI models to certain scenarios and seamlessly blending this technology with existing systems. Challenges comprise data interoperability and the relevant qualification of AI experts.

Future Directions in AI Motion Analysis

The development of AI motion analysis systems continues, and it will bring even more pros to the sports industry. For example, artificial intelligence will help with talent identification and mental training in the future. Coaches will recognize promising athletes in advance. It will be possible to examine performance metrics and social media interactions. Artificial intelligence will improve athletes' cognitive skills. These are the reaction time, decision-making, and focus.

The neural networks will become even more advanced, providing faster processing time and better accuracy. We can wait for the establishment of AI algorithms that can adapt to diverse environments, such as indoors, outdoors, and in the gym. These algorithms will be able to interpret complex visual scenes accurately.

Future Directions in AI Motion Analysis

Modern enterprises actively implement and apply artificial intelligence technologies in various activity segments. However, the development of technologies is possible only in close interaction and under human control. Cases are already being outlined when AI's work led to various risks in business and errors in certain sectors of activity.

We can say that AI is the fuel that drives business forward. It's not just about technology. It's about making informed choices, improving the user experience, and driving future innovation.

There are three postulates about using AI business potential by PWS:

  • Don't adapt, replace (means creating new AI products and services is more promising for business development than integrating into existing products);
  • Upgrade your tech foundations (modern software will increasingly have AI at its basic);
  • Keep watching (oversight and governance of AI will be more important than ever).


The development of AI promises a great future for the sports sphere. Analyzing players' movements and identifying ways to improve their performance will be simpler.

If you require a smart and modern AI-driven solution, contact us. At Requestum, we can build top-quality AI motion analysis software. Our specialists create efficient fitness apps, coaching tools and applications, reliable sports portals, and more. We can also integrate your app with modern technologies like machine learning and AI.


Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality services and achieving results that exceed clients' expectations. Let’s discuss how we can help your business succeed.



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